Results for 'Elizabeth S. Draper'

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  1.  30
    Can safety assurance procedures in the food industry be used to evaluate a medical screening programme? The application of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system to an antenatal serum screening programme for Down's syndrome. Stage 2: overcoming the hazards in programme delivery.M. Clare Derrington, Elizabeth S. Draper, Ronald T. Hsu & Jennifer J. Kurinczuk - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):49-57.
  2.  42
    Can safety assurance procedures in the food industry be used to evaluate a medical screening programme? The application of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system to an antenatal serum screening programme for Down's syndrome. Stage 1: identifying significant hazards.M. Clare Derrington, Janet D. Glencross, Elizabeth S. Draper, Ronald T. Hsu & Jennifer J. Kurinczuk - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):39-47.
  3.  31
    Locating the lived body in client–nurse interactions: Embodiment, intersubjectivity and intercorporeality.Helen F. Harrison, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella & Sandra DeLuca - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12241.
    The practice of nursing involves ongoing interactions between nurses' and clients' lived bodies. Despite this, several scholars have suggested that the “lived body” (Merleau‐Ponty, 1962) has not been given its due place in nursing practice, education or research (Draper, J Adv Nurs, 70, 2014, 2235). With the advent of electronic health records and increased use of technology, face‐to‐face assessment and embodied understanding of clients' lived bodies may be on the decline. Furthermore, staffing levels may not afford the time nurses (...)
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    Clinical ethics: Healthcare workers’ perceptions of the duty to work during an influenza pandemic.S. Damery, H. Draper, S. Wilson, S. Greenfield & J. Ives - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):12-18.
    Healthcare workers are often assumed to have a duty to work, even if faced with personal risk. This is particularly so for professionals. However, the health service also depends on non-professionals, such as porters, cooks and cleaners. The duty to work is currently under scrutiny because of the ongoing challenge of responding to pandemic influenza, where an effective response depends on most uninfected HCWs continuing to work, despite personal risk. This paper reports findings of a survey of HCWs conducted across (...)
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  5. aCCENT TrumpS raCE iN GuiDiNG ChilDrEN'S SOCial prEfErENCES.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    A series of experiments investigated the effect of speakers’ language, accent, and race on children’s social preferences. When presented with photographs and voice recordings of novel children, 5-year-old children chose to be friends with native speakers of their native language rather than foreign-language or foreign-accented speakers. These preferences were not exclusively due to the intelligibility of the speech, as children found the accented speech to be comprehensible, and did not make social distinctions between foreign-accented and foreign-language speakers. Finally, children chose (...)
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  6.  91
    Hume’s Psychology of the Passions: The Literature and Future Directions.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):565-605.
    in a recent article entitled “Hume on the Passions,” Stephen Buckle opens with the claim that Hume’s theory of the passions has largely been neglected. “Apart from a couple of famous sections in the Treatise concerning the sources of action,” he writes, “the subject matter has rarely excited interest.”1 His analysis of why the subject of the passions in Hume has been uninspiring points to the fact that readers have largely misunderstood the point of Hume’s theory. They usually regard the (...)
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  7. Moral internalism and moral cognitivism in Hume’s metaethics.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2006 - Synthese 152 (3):353 - 370.
    Most naturalists think that the belief/desire model from Hume is the best framework for making sense of motivation. As Smith has argued, given that the cognitive state (belief) and the conative state (desire) are separate on this model, if a moral judgment is cognitive, it could not also be motivating by itself. So, it looks as though Hume and Humeans cannot hold that moral judgments are states of belief (moral cognitivism) and internally motivating (moral internalism). My chief claim is that (...)
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  8.  29
    Money, Relativism, and the Post-Truth Political Imaginary.Elizabeth S. Goodstein - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (4):483-508.
    Astonishment that the things we are experiencing are "still" possible in the twentieth century is not philosophical. It is not the beginning of any insight, unless it is that the idea of history from which it comes is untenable.And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty?In 1940 the exiled German critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin warned that fidelity to a vision of history as (...)
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  9. Origins of knowledge.Elizabeth S. Spelke, Karen Breinlinger, Janet Macomber & Kristen Jacobson - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (4):605-632.
    Experiments with young infants provide evidence for early-developing capacities to represent physical objects and to reason about object motion. Early physical reasoning accords with 2 constraints at the center of mature physical conceptions: continuity and solidity. It fails to accord with 2 constraints that may be peripheral to mature conceptions: gravity and inertia. These experiments suggest that cognition develops concurrently with perception and action and that development leads to the enrichment of conceptions around an unchanging core. The experiments challenge claims (...)
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  10.  94
    Language and number: a bilingual training study.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2001 - Cognition 78 (1):45-88.
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  11. Perceiving and reasoning about objects: Insights from infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke & Gretchen A. Van de Walle - 1993 - In Naomi Eilan, Rosaleen A. McCarthy & Bill Brewer (eds.), Spatial representation: problems in philosophy and psychology. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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  12. Perception of unity, persistence, and identity: Thoughts on infants' conceptions of objects.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 89--113.
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  13. Children and the changing world of advertising.Elizabeth S. Moore - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (2):161-167.
    Concerns about children's ability to fully comprehend and evaluate advertising messages has stimulated substantial research and heated debate among scholars, business leaders, consumer advocates, and public policy makers for more than three decades. During that time, some very fundamental questions about the fairness of marketing to children have been raised, yet many remain unresolved today. With the emergence of increasingly sophisticated advertising media, promotional offers and creative appeals in recent years, new issues have also developed. This paper provides a basis (...)
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  14. Perceiving bimodally specified events in infancy.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Four-month-old infants can perceive bimodally speciiied events. They respond to relationships between the optic and acoustic stimulation that carries information about an object. Infants can do this by detecting the temporal synchrony of an object’s sounds and its optically specified impacts. They are sensitive both to the common tempo and to the simultaneity of such sounds and visible impacts. These findings support the view that intermodal perception depends at least in part on the detection of invariant relationships in patterns of (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Sex differences in intrinsic aptitude for mathematics and science? A critical review.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2005 - American Psychologist 60 (9):950-958.
  16.  85
    Socrates' Daimonic Art: Love for Wisdom in Four Platonic Dialogues.Elizabeth S. Belfiore - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Despite increasing interest in the figure of Socrates and in love in ancient Greece, no recent monograph studies these topics in all four of Plato's dialogues on love and friendship. This book provides important new insights into these subjects by examining Plato's characterization of Socrates in Symposium, Phaedrus, Lysis and the often neglected Alcibiades I. It focuses on the specific ways in which the philosopher searches for wisdom together with his young interlocutors, using an art that is 'erotic', not in (...)
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  17.  79
    Love and benevolence in Hutcheson's and Hume's theories of the passions.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (4):631 – 653.
  18.  53
    Hutcheson's Perceptual and Moral Subjectivism.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):407 - 421.
  19.  53
    Kenny’s Aquinas on Dispositions for Human Acts.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (4):424-446.
  20.  23
    Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion.Elizabeth S. Belfiore - 1992
    Of other ancient writers, call into question the traditional view that katharsis in the Poetics is a homeopathic process - one in which pity and fear affect emotions like themselves. She maintains, instead, that Aristotle considered katharsis to be an allopathic process in which pity and fear purge the soul of shameless, antisocial, and aggressive emotions. While exploring katharsis, Tragic Pleasures analyzes the closely related question of how the Poetics treats the.
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  21. John Stuart mill and experiments in living.Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1991 - Ethics 102 (1):4-26.
  22.  56
    Early knowledge of object motion: continuity and inertia.Elizabeth S. Spelke, Gary Katz, Susan E. Purcell, Sheryl M. Ehrlich & Karen Breinlinger - 1994 - Cognition 51 (2):131-176.
  23. Number-space mapping in human infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke & William James Hall - unknown
    Mature representations of number are built on a core system of numerical representation that connects to spatial representations in the form of a ‘mental number line’. The core number system is functional in early infancy, but little is known about the origins of the mapping of numbers onto space. Here we show that preverbal infants transfer the discrimination of an ordered series of numerosities to the discrimination of an ordered series of line lengths. Moreover, infants construct relationships between individual numbers (...)
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  24. Hume on Motivating Sentiments, the General Point of View, and the Inculcation of "Morality".Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (1):37-58.
    That Hume 's theory can be interpreted in two widely divergent ways-as a version of sentimentalism and as an ideal observer theory-is symptomatic of a puzzle ensconced in Hume 's theory. How can the ground of morality be internal and motivating when an inference to the feelings of a spectator in "the general point of view" is typically necessary to get to genuine moral distinctions? This paper considers and rejects the suggestion that in moral education, for Hume, the inculcation of (...)
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    Introduction.Elizabeth S. Parks - 2021 - Listening 56 (2):92-95.
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  26.  80
    Reasons From The Humean Perspective.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (249):777-796.
    Humeans about practical reasoning have tried to explain how some of our desires are reason‐giving and some are not. On one account, we act from reasons only when we act on desires that cohere in a consistent set. On another account, we act on reasons only when we act on desires that do not undermine our values. Both accounts are problematic. First, the notion of a consistent set of desires is vague and introduces a criterion not necessarily rooted in the (...)
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  27.  37
    Us and Them : Scientists' and Animal Rights Campaigners' Views of the Animal Experimentation Debate.Elizabeth S. Paul - 1995 - Society and Animals 3 (1):1-21.
    Animal rights campaigners and scientists working with animals completed anonymous questionnaires in which they were asked to report, not only on their own beliefs and ideas about the animal experimentation debate, but also on those they perceived the opposing group to hold. Both groups of participants tended to have a negative and somewhat extreme view of the other. But they did have an accurate grasp of the arguments and defenses commonly offered on both sides of the debate, and showed some (...)
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  28. Predictive Reaching for Occluded Objects by 6-Month-Old Infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Infants were presented with an object that moved into reaching space on a path that was either continuously visible or interrupted by an occluder. Infants’ reaching was reduced sharply when an occluder was present, even though the occluder itself was out of reach and did not serve as a barrier to direct reaching for the object. We account for these findings and for the apparently contrasting findings of experiments using preferential looking methods to assess infants’ object representations, by proposing that (...)
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  29.  20
    The Silence of Technology.Elizabeth S. Goodstein - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (1):4-12.
    ABSTRACT This essay meditates on the entanglement of history and memory with forgetfulness, with silencing, with what is before or outside speech. Recalling along the way a few of the manifold varieties of the unthinkable made manifest in recent events, it notes the same mute iteration that led Freud to the death drive, only to be troubled once again by the very same repetitions enfolded in the diagnosis of cultural malaise Freud built upon his insight. Turning to Georg Simmel’s Philosophy (...)
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  30.  92
    Patterns of Moral Complexity.Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (3):472.
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  31.  29
    Object perception.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1993 - In Alvin I. Goldman (ed.), Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  32.  12
    On Paradox: The Claims of Theory.Elizabeth S. Anker - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    In _On Paradox_ literary and legal scholar Elizabeth S. Anker contends that faith in the logic of paradox has been the cornerstone of left intellectualism since the second half of the twentieth century. She attributes the ubiquity of paradox in the humanities to its appeal as an incisive tool for exposing and dismantling hierarchies. Tracing the ascent of paradox in theories of modernity, in rights discourse, in the history of literary criticism and the linguistic turn, and in the transformation (...)
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  33.  68
    Ruly and Unruly Passions: Early Modern Perspectives.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 85:21-38.
    A survey of theories on the passions and action in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain and western Europe reveals that few, if any, of the major writers held the view that reason in any of its functions executes action without a passion. Even rationalists, like Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth and English clergyman Samuel Clarke, recognized the necessity of passion to action. On the other hand, many of these intellectuals also agreed with French philosophers Jean-François Senault, René Descartes, and Nicolas Malebranche that, (...)
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  34.  77
    Dancing with the Gods: The Myth of the Chariot in Plato's Phaedrus.Elizabeth S. Belfiore - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (2):185-217.
    In Plato's Phaedrus, Socrates compares the soul to a team of two horses, one obedient and one unruly, driven by a human charioteer. This article argues that essential clues to the psychological ideas expressed in this myth are provided by the imagery of the dance and that of the unruly horse, which resembles not only a satyr but also Socrates himself. Satyrs are daimonic beings with the ability to mediate between mortals and gods. They can thus represent qualities that are (...)
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  35. What makes us Smart? Core knowledge and natural language.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2003 - In Dedre Gentner & Susan Goldin-Meadow (eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought. MIT Press. pp. 277--311.
  36. Philosophical Studies, Selected Papers from the Pacific Division American Philosophical Association Meeting 1999, 99:1.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.) - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    A special issue of Philosophical Studies containing selected papers from the 1999 meeting of the Pacific Division American Philosophical Association (Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, guest editor).
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  37. Is Physicalism Near Enough? On Jaegwon Kim’s ‘Physicalism or Something Near Enough’.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2004 - In João Sàágua (ed.), A Explicação da Interpretação Humana/The Explanation of Human Interpretation. Edições Colibri. pp. 111-16.
  38.  17
    Postcritical Reading, the Lyric, and Ali Smith's How to be Both.Elizabeth S. Anker - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (4):16-42.
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  39. The Democratic University: The Role of Justice in the Production of Knowledge.Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):186-219.
    What is the proper role of politics in higher education? Many policies and reforms in the academy, from affirmative action and a multicultural curriculum to racial and sexual harassment codes and movements to change pedagogical styles, seek justice for oppressed groups in society. They understand justice to require a comprehensive equality of membership: individuals belonging to different groups should have equal access to educational opportunities; their interests and cultures should be taken equally seriously as worthy subjects of study, their persons (...)
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  40.  40
    Debating Collective Responsibility.Elizabeth S. Piliero - 2017 - Social Philosophy Today 33:175-186.
    This paper elucidates Hannah Arendt’s conditions for collective responsibility in light of her political writings. In turn, it pushes back on Iris Marion Young’s reservations about Arendtian collective responsibility and demonstrates its compatibility with Youngian political responsibility. At issue is how to understand (a) Arendtian collective responsibility as political and therefore forward-looking, (b) Arendt’s view of responsibility in the political realm as different from her view in the moral-legal realm, and (c) what Arendt’s vision of collective responsibility requires of everyone. (...)
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  41. Is women's labor a commodity?Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1990 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 19 (1):71-92.
  42.  86
    Principles of object perception.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (1):29--56.
    Research on human infants has begun to shed light on early-developing processes for segmenting perceptual arrays into objects. Infants appear to perceive objects by analyzing three-dimensional surface arrangements and motions. Their perception does not accord with a general tendency to maximize figural goodness or to attend to nonaccidental geometric relations in visual arrays. Object perception does accord with principles governing the motions of material bodies: Infants divide perceptual arrays into units that move as connected wholes, that move separately from one (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Preschool Children's Mapping of Number Words to Nonsymbolic Numerosities.Jennifer S. Lipton & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Five-year-old children categorized as skilled versus unskilled counters were given verbal estimation and number word comprehension tasks with numerosities 20 – 120. Skilled counters showed a linear relation between number words and nonsymbolic numerosities. Unskilled counters showed the same linear relation for smaller numbers to which they could count, but not for larger number words. Further tasks indicated that unskilled counters failed even to correctly order large number words differing by a 2 : 1 ratio, whereas they performed well on (...)
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  44.  47
    Moral and scientific realism: essays in honor of Richard N. Boyd and Nicholas L. Sturgeon (Philosophical Studies 172:4).Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.) - 2015 - Springer Netherlands.
    Introduction to an issue on moral and scientific realism in honor of Richard N. Boyd and Nicholas L. Sturgeon (Elizabeth S. Radcliffe, guest editor).
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  45. Moral Naturalism and the Possibility of Making Ourselves Better.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2007 - In Brad K. Wilburn (ed.), Moral Cultivation: Essays on the Development of Character and Virtue. Lexington Books.
  46.  19
    Listen First: Dialogic Research Ethics With Caribbean Signing Communities.Elizabeth S. Parks - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (2):156-166.
    Successful research of Caribbean signed languages and deaf communities involves negotiating complex communication ethics toward both people and languages. In this article, I ground a call for ethical listening to Caribbean deaf and signing communities in sociolinguistic research that investigated deaf community and sign language boundaries in the Caribbean. I argue that a dialogic ethic that privileges listening is foundational for ethical research with Caribbean deaf and signing communities by discussing two ethical challenges that were central to understanding their narrative (...)
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  47.  31
    Book Review: Jon Garvey, God’s Good Earth: The Case for an Unfallen Creation Chad Michael Rimmer, Greening the Children of God: Thomas Traherne and Nature’s Role in the Ecological Formation of Children. [REVIEW]Elizabeth S. Dodd - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (1):111-116.
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  48. Paper.S. Spelke Elizabeth - unknown
    To whom do children look when deciding on their own preferences? To address this question, 3-year-old children were asked to choose between objects or activities that were endorsed by unfamiliar people who differed in gender, race, or age. In Experiment 1, children demonstrated robust preferences for objects and activities endorsed by children of their own gender, but less consistent preferences for objects and activities endorsed by children of their own race. In Experiment 2, children selected objects and activities favored by (...)
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  49.  17
    Mother-Child Communication: The Influence of ADHD Symptomatology and Executive Functioning on Paralinguistic Style.Elizabeth S. Nilsen, Ami Rints, Nicole Ethier & Sarah Moroz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  50.  21
    Don't throw the individual perspective out while waiting for systemic change.Elizabeth S. Collier, Kathryn L. Harris, Michael Jecks & Marcus Bendtsen - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e154.
    Although it is clear that i-frame approaches cannot stand alone, the impact of s-frame changes can plateau. Combinations of these approaches may best reflect what we know about behavior and how to support behavioral change. Interactions between i-frame and s-frame thinking are explored here using two examples: alcohol consumption and meat consumption.
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